Photo Locations Map Search now Live

Hey everyone, excited to announce that you can now see and search the photo locations in a map view!

The map view allows you to filter by certain keywords or locations.

[Title image by Kevin Doncaster]

Only going to San Diego, and don’t need to see posts about another city? Choose San Diego in the advanced filters.

Already in San Diego, and only want to see what’s in a 10 mile radius of you – use the location bar to add your address and set the radius.

I know, it’s early and I don’t have a ton of posts yet but I hope this will make it easier for you to find the posts that you want to read!


Sidecar Photo Map Search feature
Use a map to search and filter Sidecar Photo

Thanks for visiting! If you like these posts, do share this page with friends who are visiting the cities that I cover.

Also, you can now follow my blog on Bloglovin‘!


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