Erdene Zuu Monastery, Mongolia

Erdene Zuu monastery is a rarity in Mongolia, and that’s because it is an active monastery. That’s actually kind of rare and I’ll explain why. The monastery is historical but not a stunning spot for photography. I got some good shots because there were a lot of locals visiting at the time we did but […]

Gorkhi-Terelj National Park, Mongolia

Wondering whether to go to Khustai or Terelj? Really they are quite different! Gorkhi Terelj National Park is worth staying overnight and even 2 nights, whereas Khustai is worth a 2 hour visit. We visited both in June of 2019 and actually stayed overnight at both but would not stay overnight at Khustai again. Read […]

Hustai National Park, Mongolia

One of the best places to see truly wild horses in Mongolia is at Hustai National Park, just 60 miles out of the city. I went there on my birthday, well the day before my birthday because I really wanted to turn 40 under the stars and not in a random hotel room in Ulaan […]